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Selectmen Minutes 11/22/2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
November 22, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Selectman Colbert was absent.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

SUBJECT: Police Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Police Chief Patrick Clarke reported to the Board of Selectmen that the Police Department will be receiving funds from a drug arrest that happened in February.  The monies that the Police Department will be collecting must be used for anti-drug programs.

Police Chief Clarke had some concerns about the closing of the Staples account.  He, along with Fire Chief Mike Paveglio wanted to know why the accounts were closed without communicating to them first.  Patty explained that there were three separate accounts, two accounts were sent to one billing address and the other was sent to another billing address.  The three accounts were getting intertwined with each other causing improper credit to each account.  The accounts were becoming a problem and Patty thought the best solution for all was to close the accounts.  Patty set up accounts at Officeland.  Officeland provides free delivery and with the exception to paper will deliver the next day.  Chief Clarke and Chief Paveglio stated that it was not convenient for them not to have a Staples Account.  Patty will research and find out what would be the most convenient and easiest way to establish an account with Staples.

SUBJECT: Fire Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Fire Chief Mike Paveligo asked the Board of Selectmen if the change in payroll dates affects the fire department.  The answer was no.  The Fire Department’s payroll due dates are the same as what Chief Paveglio submitted in the beginning of the year.

SUBJECT: Emergency Management

HIGHLIGHTS: Emergency Management Director, Mr. John Martell had nothing to report.

SUBJECT: Building Inspector

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Building Inspector, Mr. David Paveglio reported that he had received a telephone call from Mr. Joe Austin regarding getting on the list for building permits in 2007.  Also, Mr. Austin needs a permit to build a model home.  Also, Mr. Austin is planning to open a business on his property on Route 4.  However, after the stand alone condominiums are 65% sold he must discontinue his business.  Mr. Paveglio stated that he is going to be meeting with Mr. Austin on Monday, November 28, 2005 to fill out the building applications for the waiting list.

SUBJECT: Highway Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally was not in attendance.

SUBJECT:  Mr. Jeff Pullen

HIGHLIGHTS:    Mr. Pullen met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss his driveway on Connemara Drive.  Mr. Pullen met with the Board of Selectmen and Mr. Kenneally on August 16, 2005.  At that meeting Mr. Pullen stated that when it rains (heavy downpours) stone, gravel and sand washes down onto his driveway.  He stated that the water lays at the end of his driveway; and in the winter the water freezes over creating ice. At that meeting,  Mr. Kenneally asked Mr. Pullen what he would like see done. Mr. Pullen responded that he would like the runoff to stop.  At that meeting it was agreed that Chairman DeBold, Mr. Pullen and Mr. Kenneally would meet at Mr. Pullen’s on August 22.  At the walk through Chairman DeBold and Mr. Kenneally spoke to Mr. Pullen’s neighbor about removing some of the loam on her property.  She gave Mr. Kenneally permission to do that.  

Chairman DeBold told Mr. Pullen that he had driven down Connemara Drive.  Mr. Pullen asked Chairman DeBold if it looked like that work that was supposed to be done was done?  Chairman DeBold agreed that it did not appear that the work that was agreed was done.  Mr. Pullen provided pictures of his driveway and the cold patch Mr. Kenneally did.  Mr. Pullen stated that he is still having the same problems.  He told the Board of Selectmen that Mr. Kenneally agreed to put in the piping and the culvert provided that Mr. Pullen paid for the material.  Mr. Pullen asked the Board of Selectmen if that could be done.  Chairman DeBold advised Mr. Pullen that currently there was no money in Highway Department to do this work.  Perhaps the work could be done in the Spring.  Selectman MacCleery stated that in the interim Mr. Kenneally could place netting over the ditch to keep the sand, stone and gravel from washing into Mr. Pullen’s driveway.  Mr. Pullen stated that he was not happy with the results, that the results were ineffective and inefficient.  Chairman DeBold suggested that a meeting between Mr. Pullen and Mr. Kenneally be scheduled so they can discuss the placement of the culvert and when it could be installed.

SUBJECT: Mr. Joe Austin

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Austin met with the Board of Selectmen regarding his building applications for 2007.  He stated that he was meeting with the Building Inspector on Monday to give him his septic designs, driveway permits and plans.  He will be placed on the waiting list for 2007.  Mr. Austin was under the impression that he had to pay his impact fees to get on the building permit list.  Chairman DeBold informed Mr. Austin that his impact fees do not get paid until he gets the building permits.  

Mr. Austin asked the Board why he would not qualify for the Open Space Conservation Development ordinance if the ordinance passes.  He said he was told by members of the Planning Board Sub-Committee that he would not qualify.  Currently, the draft for Open Space Conservation Development gives certain guidelines regarding Open Space Conservation, i.e. minimum tract size; permitted residential uses; density; lot size; frontage, buffers; setbacks, etc. Mr. Austin told the Board of Selectmen that he meets all of the guidelines.  Mr. Austin’s concern was in the new proposed Growth Management Ordinance Section II, 1A. “……….except that the number of building permits for new residential dwellings on lots in open space conservation developments that are permanently deeded for elderly housing shall be limited to an amount that is not to exceed and annual growth rate of 3.5%.” “….except that up to fifteen building permits may be issued for lots in open space conservation developments that are permanently deeded for elderly housing.”  Selectman MacCleery stated that he saw no reason why he would not qualify.

SUBJECT: Mr. Bob Mann and Mr. Jeff Andrews, Conservation Committee

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Bob Mann and Mr. Jeff Andrews met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss a few issues.  Mr. Mann reported to the Selectmen that Deb Soule, a member of the Conservation Committee had inspected the snow mobile trails that were worked on by the NH Trail Dawgs.  She reported to the Committee that the group did a great job putting in gates and cleaning up the trail.  The Conservation Committee recommends to the Board of Selectmen to lease the trails to the NH Trail Dawgs.

Mr. Mann stated that he would be putting in a Warrant Article to have a Carpenter Park surveyed.  Chairman DeBold asked Mr. Mann where the money would come from.  Mr. Mann responded that the money would be raised by tax dollars.  Chairman DeBold asked Mr. Mann for an approximate cost.  Mr. Andrews stated that he had received two proposals and the amount will be $20,000.00.  Chairman DeBold stated the amount of $20,000.00 was a lot for the Town to absorb.  He asked Mr.  Mann if the Conservation Committee could donate some money.  Chairman DeBold said that he would ask the Parks and Recreation if they could contribute some money as well.  Mr. Mann stated that he would have to present this idea to the other members of the Conservation Commission and will get back to the Board of Selectmen.

Mr. Mann had asked about the property the Town owns on Main Street (commonly known as the Shaw Property).  Mr. Mann stated he knew that Mrs. Patterson’s sheep gaze on the property, but was not sure who the person was that mowed the grass.  Chairman DeBold stated that Mr. Shaw was the one who mowed the lawn.  Mr. Mann wanted to know if the Town wanted the Conservation Commission to take over the care of the property or would the Town be interested in leasing the land to a farmer for hay.  Chairman DeBold stated that the Board would discuss the matter and would get back to the Conservation Commission.

Mr. Mann informed the Board of Selectmen that, Ms. Gwen Adams has resigned from the Conservation Commission and asked the Board of Selectmen if they could appoint Mr. Michael Marchand to replace Ms. Adams.  Chairman DeBold made a Motion:  To appoint Mr. Michael Marchand who is a alternate on the Conservation Commission to replace Ms. Gwen Adams, who recently resigned from the Conservation Commission.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman MacCleery.  A vote was taken and all were in favor.  Patty was instructed to have the appointment paper prepared to swear Mr. Marchand.

Mr. Mann stated that Vanasse, Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (“VHB”) has completed the southern part of Chichester surveying for prime wetlands.  Mr. Mann stated that he had received the recommendations from VHB and is planning on presenting the recommendations to the public on January 9, 2006.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Board of Selectmen reviewed an e-mail from a resident regarding the removal of the Town’s portion of Marsh Pond Dam.  Patty was asked to respond to the resident via e-mail.

The Board of Selectmen reviewed the Highway Departments budget.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

The Minutes from November 15, 2005 were reviewed and approved.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert